Recap of Generators

Recap of Generators

Dec 24, 2021

So far I’ve shared about the foundations of your chart like type, strategy, definition and authorities separately.

Thought I’ll do a little recap of each type as we start weaving everything together.

Here’s a highlight for Generators 🔥

As a Generator you’re here to respond to what life brings you. You’re here to be lit up by what you do and in turn your energy can light up those around you. You spread and amplify energy.

You’re the energy that sustains the fire.

As a Generator you’re here to respond to what life brings you. You’re here to be lit up by what you do and in turn your energy can light up those around you. You spread and amplify energy.

What makes you the Generator type, is that you have a defined Sacral Center with no motor directly or indirectly connected to the throat (if you do, you would be a Manifesting Generator).

Generators make up 35-36% of the population.

Every type is interconnected to each other and have a role to play. As a Generator you have the life-force energy to amplify and sustain life. You’re what keeps the fire going. You’re a builder and creator.

It simply means you’re here to be fulfilled. Notice what you want to say yes or no to. When you’re responding to what excites you, you’re able to spread and amplify your life force energy—it just happens naturally. Discerning what’s for you is a crucial step in our designs which is where strategy and authority comes to play.



Your strategy as a Generator is waiting to respond. It’s the mechanic of how you can best ‘activate’ and sustain your energy. It’s noticing what your sacral wants to and have energy to commit to.

Your aura is naturally pulling people and opportunities to you. Almost like a wifi broadcast. Your job is to simply notice what comes into your orbit. From there, you choose what and when you want to respond to.

But waiting is not passive! Even though it feels like it in this day and age. It’s the in-between where our energy, body and mind get to recalibrate until the next thing comes along. As you’re waiting, take care of yourself! Do the things that bring you pleasure and joy, nourish your energy!



In addition to having your Sacral defined, your authority is the energy that helps you discern and guide you. You might call it a gut feeling, intuition, inner knowing etc. This is what guides you on what, when or even how to respond.

You’ll notice the saying “use your strategy and authority” in human design a lot. And that’s because it’s one of the first steps in connecting to your inner self and moving away from the mind to make decisions that come from within.

As a Generator your authority is either:

  • Emotional Solar Plexus (riding your emotional waves)
  • Sacral (what feels exciting?)


Emotional Not-Self & Signature

A big part of understanding our energetics is also noticing the ways we’ve dampened who we are in order to fit in and what we’ve taken on as coping mechanisms. The process of deconditioning is essentially rewiring yourself to be more you + letting go of what’s not.

Each type has emotional indicators that are like guideposts to check-in, an invitation to see if we’ve honoured your strategy and authority. These are known as the not-self and signature themes.

  • Emotional Not-self: Frustration
    Emotional Signature: Satisfaction


Further Exploration

Just because you have consistent Sacral energy doesn’t mean you won’t get tired or burnout. Like everything in life, this energy needs to be nourished in order to renew and expand.

Take a step back and notice how you’re spending your days. The Sacral center is also associated with pleasure.

  • How much of what you do daily, do you really enjoy?
  • How are you moving your body? Who are the people that light you up?
  • What activities make you feel nourished?
  • What doesn’t feel so good? What is draining you?

Making the space to discern what you want to say yes and commit to vs. what you want to release and it’s no longer working will help you align your energies better.

Any Generators here? Do you resonate with this? Would love to hear from you!


One more thing

Remember, your type is just a fraction of your design. You are a unique combination of so many other moving parts. Your definition, profile, channels, gate, conditioning etc. All this information is pretty high level but a good starting point to get you familiarize with the HD system.

You can be whoever you want to be. Human Design simply gives you a little insight on how your energies can support you and what tools can help you get there.


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