Human Design Profiles

Human Design Profiles

Jan 14, 2022


Each profile has an energetic theme and quality. The idea that Human Design comes back to over and over again is that we are all unique individuals who need each other and play a specific role. The house analogy is a perfect example to see how our energies move and work together.

We’re all a combination of 2 profile lines.

Based on the earlier example the 4/6 energies will express themselves through the themes of the Opportunist + Role Model.

Your profile is based on the combination lines of your Unconscious/Body Sun + Earth and Conscious/Personality Sun + Earth. In this example the profile is 4/6 (4 Conscious/6 unconscious)


One more thing

Remember, your profile is just a fraction of your design. You are a unique combination of so many other moving parts. Your definition, profile, channels, gate, conditioning etc.

All this information is pretty high level but a good starting point to get you familiarize with the HD system.

We all get to experience all the energies in our bodygraph, knowing more about your design helps you understand the consistent energies within you at all times. From how you show up and influence others.

You can be whoever you want to be. Human Design simply gives you a little insight on how your energies can support you and what tools can help you get there.


1 – The Investigator

  • Represents the foundation of the house. The Investigator energy looks for the strongest materials after through researching
  • Internal process. Need space to investigate, dive into curiosities to feel stable, thirst to know more
  • Here to be an authority on their subject when the time is right
  • Alone time to explore, research, connect. Let curiosity be your guide but also open to exploring for the sake of
  • Your comfort zone might be different than others and that’s OK


Profiles Combination with 1:

  • 1/3
  • 1/4
  • 5/1
  • 4/1


There’s a sense of insecurity that drives you to create a strong foundation. How can you lean on that energy while also knowing your pull to learn more is from a place of curiosity and not from a place of unworthiness?

If your 1 is in your Conscious/Personality Side (1/3 or 1/4)

  • Are you aware of your need to know? Do you notice how insecurity drives you?
  • As a 1/3 you’re here to research and test things out so you can find the cracks in your foundation. Failure is part of your process. Do you feel the tension between insecurity and the fear of making mistakes, of things not working out?
  • As a 1/4 you’re here to externalize and share your research and foundations with your community. Do you feel supported by your community? Does your network support your foundation?


If your 1 is in your Unconscious/Body Side 4/1 or 5/1

  • What helps your body feel secure?What kind of foundation or ritual helps you connect to your body? Being on your unconscious side you might not be as aware of this energy vs. your conscious 4 or 5
  • As a 4/1 you’re externalizing your foundations to your community. Are you spending time nourishing your curiosities? How can you share with your community even when you don’t feel secure?
  • As a 5/1 you’re also externalizing your foundations, at a slightly larger scale, to the collective. What solutions does your foundation solve?


Permission Slips: 

  • Permission to embrace the insecurity, the need to know more. Appreciate the energy that drives you to build a strong foundation while also trusting, that right now you know enough.
  • Your worthiness doesn’t come from having to know it all.
  • Build, rebuild as many times as it feels right.
  • Release the story that you are defined by what you know.
  • Your insecurity is here to motivate and help guide you to growth.
  • Let this energy expand from a place of wholeness.


2 – The Hermit

  • Represents the first floor window of the house. The Hermit energy has natural skills that are actualized through “calls”
  • Need alone time to ground and be in your own energy as they cultivate their genius. Space to simply be, do their own thing.
  • Since they have natural skills they’re not aware of, being ‘called out’ by the other is an important to actualize those gifts
  • Their energy project their gifts outwards, recognizing what to say yes to is crucial
  • Since not all calls are correct, use strategy and authority to discern


Profiles Combination with 2

  • 2/4
  • 2/5
  • 5/2
  • 6/2


Recognition and being ‘called’ out is a crucial part of your process. What do people praise you for? What invitations do you get from others? Notice which ones feel good to answer

If your 2 is in your Conscious/Personality Side (2/4 or 2/5)

  • Are you aware of your need to be alone? Are you carving out time to be in your own energy?
  • As a 2/4 you might notice the pull to be on your own and also wanting to connect with others. Notice, what do people ‘call’ you for? What do they see that you’re naturally good at? Are your relationships harmonius?
  • As a 2/5 you receive projections and project your natural skills outwards. Do you notice people coming to you for specific solutions? What comes easy to you?


If your 2 is in your Unconscious/Body Side 5/2 or 6/2

  • With a 2 in your unconscious side you might not notice your need to be alone until you’re tired. How can you carve out space to listen to your body’s needs?
  • As a 5/2 you’re here to universalize your natural genius. You might be more aware of the projections you receive from others. Be picky about which calls and projections you want to step in
  • As a 6/2 you’re here to embody and lead through your wisdom as a role model. You’re being called to share your objective truths and leadership


Permission Slips: 

  • Permission to fully embrace your flow. Honour your need to rest, take the time and space you to cultivate what nourishes you.
  • Release the FOMO, the right calls will come to you. What’s meant for you will not miss you. Spend time developing your passions and you’ll be recognized for your skills. Release the pressure to fulfill every expectation you get called upon.
  • Recognition is an important part of your process. In what places and people do you feel truly seen and accepted? Allow yourself to be seen in those places and notice if the calls feel aligned.


3 – The Martyr

  • Represents the person climbing up and down the stairs connecting the first floor to the second. The energy of the Martyr is about testing things out, learning through experiences and failure.
  • There’s a pull to constantly try and experience new things and challenges. This energy brings forward mutation, innovation and change
  • They have a resilient nature and are able to bounce back from each trial and error since it’s their process
  • Here to figure out what doesn’t work, to share their subjective wisdom and discoveries


Profiles Combination with 3

  • 1/3
  • 3/5
  • 3/6
  • 6/3


Failure is part of your process. How can you reframe failure as feedback? Let yourself play. Grow with each discovery, release the expectations regardless of the outcome. Perhaps there is no such thing as failure after all.


If your 3 is in your Conscious/Personality Side (3/5 or 3/6)

  • Are you aware of your experiential process? Your energy is designed to go through many trial and errors, to find the cracks in our foundation. How are aware of the wisdom you’ve cultivated through your discoveries?
  • As a 3/5 you’re here to go through trial and error and universalize your discoveries. You receive projections for solutions you can provide. Notice what projections feel aligned
  • As a 3/6 you double down on experiences in the first 30 years of your life. You have a more personal process compared to a 6/3


If your 3 is in your Unconscious/Body Side (1/3 or 6/3)

  • With a 3 in your unconscious side your body is naturally pulling you into new challenges. Your energy wants to be moved, you get clarity through action. Notice where you gravitate towards
  • As a 1/3 you’re here to research and test things out so you can find the cracks in your foundation. Which means you’re constantly finding things that don’t work. With that being said, not everything needs to be fixed by you.
  • As a 6/3 you’re here to model and externalize your subjective truths. You have a transpersonal process as you move through the 3 phases in life


Permission Slips:

  • Permission to let go of the outcome. To reframe failure as feedback and lean on your desire to continuously improve things around you. Embrace your curiosity without the need to be perfect, let yourself get lost in wonder.
  • Cultivate the lessons you learn along the way and share them when the time feels right for you. Your wisdom is needed and might even shake things up a bit and nothing is wrong with that.
  • Allow yourself to let go of what no longer serves you. Be that relationships, career, things etc


4 – The Opportunist

  • Represents the person on the balcony of the second floor. The energy of the Opportunist is about deep connections and recognizing opportunities for and within their network
  • It’s an externalizing energy that connects and acts as a resource for their community.
  • There’s an openness, friendliness and ability to go deep. It’s important for them to have a solid foundation which allows them to externalize + connect with others
  • Their network is important, part of building a strong foundation relies on the quality of their relationships.


Profiles Combination with 4

  • 1/4
  • 2/4
  • 4/1
  • 4/6


Recognizing opportunities (or the lack of) is your gift. Friendliness fatigue can happen when you’re investing your time and energy in places/relationships where you don’t feel connected or supported. Allow yourself to be picky about who you surround yourself with.


If your 4 is in your Conscious/Personality Side (4/1 or 4/6)

  • Are you aware of your need for solid foundations? Of your need to connect with others?
  • As a 4/1 you’re externalizing your foundations to your community. Do you feel seen and received by your community? What/who can help you build stronger foundations?
  • As a 4/6 your community might evolve and change as you go through your 3 phases in life. Allow yourself to let go of what no longer supports your foundation. How can you make space for those that are ready to receive your wisdom?


If your 4 is in your Unconscious/Body Side (1/4 or 2/4)


  • With a 4 in your unconscious side your body is naturally pulling you into to new opportunities. What places, communities do you feel yourself gravitating towards?
  • As a 1/4 you’re here to externalize and share your research and foundations with your community. Do you feel your community is strengthening your foundations and vice versa?
  • As a 2/4 you might notice the pull to be on your own and also wanting to connect with others. You get to be picky about who you spend time with. Who recognizes you and calls you out?


Permission Slips

  • Permission to fully embrace your network and opportunities. Allow yourself to be seen, supported and connected.
  • Nourish your foundations and don’t be afraid to walk away from anything (career, relationships, opportunities) that is not right for you. Be unapologetic about what you need to feel strongly rooted and stable.
  • Seeing opportunities is your gift. Permission to cultivate and let your energy connect you to people, places and opportunities that are meant for you.


5 – The Heretic


  • Represents the mysterious figure by the window on the second floor. The Heretic receives strong projections from others as it universalizes pragmatic knowledge
  • They are seen as a savior because of the projection field. A seductive figure who is capable of saving the day but when they fail to meet those expectations they become the scapegoat. Not everyone can see the ‘real’ you and that’s ok, not everyone is meant to
  • Projections help pull in people who are ready to externalize the 5’s pragmatic solutions yet boundaries to discern which projections to step into is important
  • Knowing and communicating their limits will help set expectations.


Profiles Combination with 5

  • 5/1
  • 5/2
  • 2/5
  • 3/5

Knowing yourself is crucial. Along with using your strategy and authority to discern which projections are aligned to protect your energy. Remember, you’re not here to solve everything or save everyone. You get to choose.


If your 5 is in your Conscious/Personality Side (5/1 or 5/2)

  • Are you aware of the projections you receive? How does it feel when you meet them? How does it feel when you don’t? What are some boundaries or personas you can create to help manage expectations?
  • As a 5/1 you’re externalizing your foundation to the collective. What solutions have you found through building your foundations? You get to be picky about how/what you share.
  • As a 5/2 you’re here to universalize your natural genius. With the caveat of the 2 being on the unconscious side. How can you carve space to recognize what’s a call and what’s a projection? If it’s both, do they feel aligned to you?


If your 5 is in your Unconscious/Body Side (2/5 or 3/5)

  • With a 5 in your unconscious side, wherever you go you will be projected upon. People will often come to you to solve their problems. Remember, you’re not here to solve everything. Discern!
  • As a 2/5 you receive projections and project your natural skills outwards. Do you notice people coming to you for specific solutions? Are you aware of the things you’re naturally good at?
  • As a 3/5 you’re here to go through trial and error and universalize your discoveries. You receive projections for solutions yet you process is experiential not attached to outcomes. How can you create the space to experiment while managing expectations from others?


Permission Slips

  • Permission to set strong boundaries. Many might feel entitled to you and your time, but they’re not. Let go of the expectation and pressure to fulfill their needs.
  • Release the pressure to have to save the day. You get to decide which projections you want to respond to. Creating personas doesn’t mean you’re inauthentic, in fact it helps you manage expectations and set boundaries.
  • Being clear on what you can and cannot do is an act of self-care. Permission to communicate your needs and surround yourself with people who will honour them.



6 – The Role Model

  • Represents the person on the rooftop of the house. The Role Model is here to lead through example. It’s about externalizing all the insights from each line
  • This energy goes through 3 phases in life, each one leading them from learning, healing to fully embodying their insights into wisdom. Seeking objective truths to share with the collective
  • The 1st phase 0-30 yrs, is the trial & error phase, moving through life as a 3rd line
  • The 2nd phase 30-50 yrs, is the healing and integration, an aloof pulled back energy. Observing, watching others
  • The 3rd phase 50+ yrs, coming back to engage while embodying objective and subjective truths. Becoming Role Model.


Profiles Combination with 6

  • 3/6
  • 4/6
  • 6/2
  • 6/3

Even though you move through 3 phases in your life, you have access to your wisdom at all times. There’s a tendency for perfectionism and idealism. Notice if perfectionism is supporting you or holding you back. Can you allow yourself to be seen even when things are not ‘perfect’?


If your 6 is in your Conscious/Personality Side (6/2 or 6/3)


  • In what phase of your life are you in? Have you noticed the differences between each phase?
  • As a 6/2 you’re here to develop your skills as you embody wisdom. It might take some time for you to see your natural genius. What do people recognize in you? What do they seek you for? Honour your need to be alone and notice what calls come up
  • As a 6/3 you’re here to model and externalize your subjective truths. You’re constantly going to be pulled into challenges. Notice if you’re resisting them or honouring your need to rest (specially if you’re in the 2nd phase)


If your 6 is in your Unconscious/Body Side (3/6 or 4/6)

  • With a 6 in your unconscious side you might notice an energetic change in your body through each phase. What insights have your body garnered?
  • As a 3/6 your failures and experiences help you cultivate your and prepare you as a role model. You might notice the tension between objective and subjective truths. How can you hold space for both?
  • As a 4/6 your community might evolve and change as you go through your 3 phases in life. Don’t be afraid to find your people and lean on them. Trust that those who are ready for your wisdom (no matter the phase) will be able to receive it.


Permission Slips

  • Each phase is here FOR you. Without the foundation of the first phases you won’t be able to embody and sit back in the next phase. You’re exactly where you’re meant to be, doing what you’re meant to do. Let your wisdom brew, allow yourself to be in your process. Life is not about being perfect but doing our best.
  1. First phase: Permission to let yourself learn through trial and error. This phase is here to prime you for the next following phases. Be curious, be open and don’t be afraid to try things out and walk away from them. Trust where you’re at.
  2. Second phase: Permission to take a step back, to heal, to slow down and integrate all the lessons you’ve learned in the first phase. You can see a better way and efficiency. Let your strategy and authority guide you on what to focus on. Trust this is strengthening your foundations.
  3. Third phase: Permission to be. It’s time to embody all the lessons you’ve cultivated and put together. You’re here to make an impact by being and living out your truth. This is the greatest gift to those around you.


Want to deepen your understanding of your chart? Book a Human Design Session here

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