Word for 2021: Expand

Word for 2021: Expand

Mar 3, 2021

My word for this year: E x p a n d ✨

This is the first year that I have a word, a theme of some sort. I never felt pulled towards that in the past; much like the idea of a vision board which is also a first

What changed?

Everything and nothing at the same time. I think I got to a point where I was able to shed what wasn’t working and align to the core of who I am

Stopped focusing on what I was lacking, on external validation, on all the “I shoulds” and instead tuned my focus inwards

And geez, what a magical, healing place that is. A place of inner knowing, trust, the essence of who I am. No labels, no roles, no doing. A state of being

It wasn’t easy though. When I made space to finally listen to that inner voice there were so many blocks in the way. Imposter syndrome, fear of taking up space, my sense of worth, hurt, shame. Oh gosh, so much shame.

Shame for what I had put my body through, shame for allowing my boundaries to be pushed, shame for “choosing the hard path” instead of staying at the safe path with benefits…

But then came the healing, the forgiveness part:

It’s ok now, you don’t have to keep pushing.

You can soften and come back to yourself.

No, you don’t need to have it all figured out.

No one does.

You’re not too late. You can reinvent yourself at ANY age. You’re exactly where you’re meant to be, doing what you’re meant to do.

No, you don’t need to work hard to be worthy. You are whole as you are.
Success doesn’t have to be hard. Abundance is not a result of suffering. You are worthy of success, abundance and love by simply being.

Realizations that seemed obvious but took some time for me to fully embody. I’ve cried, laughed, met so many incredible people that nourished me as I came home to myself. My journey of re-becoming whole and unleashed.

And now it’s time, to share everything I’ve learned. Time to expand. To take up space. To be seen, to guide 💫

So what changed? My perspective. I tuned my attention inwards, started living in a more aligned way and made space for ease

I’m curious, do you have a word for this year? What is it? And how are you embodying it?

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