Brooke Nielson on the gifts of being a highly sensitive person

Brooke Nielson on the gifts of being a highly sensitive person

Mar 31, 2021

How do you embrace the part of you that’s be shunned by others? Is that a part of your conditioning or was it hidden because of the conditioning in itself?

Today we’re going to be talking about sensitivity, to be exact, being a highly sensitive person and what does that mean. This is one of my favourite conversations to date because I learned so much about the part of me I neglected and saw as a weakness growing up. It took me many years to finally embrace this part of me that felt deeply. Through my healing and inner work I was able to see this as a strength instead.

Something I wish 7 year old Jes knew. Perhaps this is why I felt instantly connected to my guest today, Brooke, when I first met her. Not only is she a fellow HSP, she is one of the kindest and most loving person I’ve ever met. Her ability to hold space for anyone and her empathy is beyond inspiring. You’re in for a treat!

Brooke Nielsen is a trauma-informed psychotherapist and the founder of the Therapeutic Center for Highly Sensitive People. Over 15 years, she’s helped hundreds of people find freedom from anxiety and self-doubt. With advanced training in trauma therapy and relationships, she’s spent thousands of hours helping Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) thrive. She’s also the founder of Intuitive Warrior, an online learning community which helps HSPs discover the gifts that lie hidden in what they thought were the worst parts of themselves.


So what makes a highly sensitive person?

Brooke breaks it down for us using the DOES acronym to describe the characteristics of this trait:

D – Depth of processing, more brain activity and emotional activity takin things in

O – Overwhelmed, because we’re processing everything deeply we get more overwhelmed than non HSPs

E – Empathy & Emotional intensity. Our emotions respond more strongly to our environments

S – Sensitivity to subtlety. Picking up in nuance, in changes in expression, a room

Can you relate to any of these? If so, this conversation is for you.


In today’s episode Brooke shares:

  • How being a highly sensitive person is not a disorder
  • The gifts of being an HSP and the downfalls when not used in alignment
  • The traits and different spectrums of being an HSP
  • Some common challenges HSP face growing up
  • The healing aspects of trauma work and how sometimes we get lost in comparative suffering when in fact there is no trauma hierarchy
  • Her experience in learning she’s an HSP and how that knowledge helped her go from being constantly anxious on high alert all the time to being better equipped in handling her triggers
  • The importance of energetic boundaries and how to set them


And so much more! Come join our beautiful chat!


And if you’re visual like me here’s a video of our conversation 🙂



  • A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
  • I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou







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