Emily Peilan on shedding outer expectations, learning self trust through travelling

Emily Peilan on shedding outer expectations, learning self trust through travelling

Nov 26, 2020

I met today’s guest in a mastermind and she’s become a great friend and accountability buddy. Meet Emily Peilan, she designs and codes modern, stylish websites for entrepreneurs and small businesses in the creative and online digital space. She found her calling in Web Design after taking a coding course and fell in love with this combination of art, science and business.

Trading in her previous life in corporate business 4 years ago for the promise of nothing but adventure and youthful freedom… she travelled extensively throughout Europe, living the digital nomad life as a freelance photographer, travel blogger and kayak guide in the Norwegian Fjords.

Emily recently moved to Seville, Spain with her partner. When she’s not dreaming up new business ideas and website designs, you’ll find her travelling wide-eyed with a camera in hand, eating tapas, and learning new languages.

In today’s episode Emily shares:

  • How she tried to fit into the “mold” of who she was supposed to be
  • How she left a high paying job in pursuit of something more aligned while facing the disappointment of her loved ones
  • How she had nothing yet felt enriched
  • How travelling helped her get in touch with different sides of herself
  • How she grew into her voice
  • How she went from being a perfectionist to learning to let go and trust
  • How journalling helps her connect to her heart

And so much more, this episode is packed with wisdom. Emily is wise beyond her years and I’m so excited to dive in with you!


And if you’re visual like me here’s a video of our conversation 🙂


Emily’s Favourite Book:

  • Belonging: Remembering Ourselves Home by Toko-pa Turner


Find Emily here:


Aroha Visual Resources

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