Effortless Congee

Effortless Congee

Aug 15, 2018

Last month, I was making a lot of soups and congees because my sister just had her wisdom tooth removed and couldn’t eat any solids. So made a bunch of classic comforting foods. 

I still haven’t mastered congee the way my mom makes it. Her congee has a magical silky texture. I don’t know what she does!  


  • 1 cup of rice
  • 7-8 cups of water (or stock of choice)
  • 3 minced garlic
  • A little bit of ginger 
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1.5 cups of veggies: corn, snap peas, green beans and carrot in cubes
  • Optional garnishes: sesame oil, soy sauce, freshly chopped green onion, white pepper 

I used my pressure cooker which took me 20 mins to make, but if you’re using regular stove 1 hr should suffice. Just make sure you stir occasionally so rice doesn’t stick to the bottom.

Add a cup of rice with 7 cups of water or broth. Then simply stir in the rest of the ingredients. Just leave the salt and pepper to the end so you can taste the flavour. If you’re using pressure cooker select the porridge option. If regular stove bring heat high to boil and then medium low for a simmer and stirring often so nothing sticks to the bottom. 

That’s it!

Play around with different ingredients and see what you come up with. For my next congee I’m looking to try some sweet potato, corn and maybe stirring some miso at the end (will report back on this one soon 😉)

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