Overwhelmed go-getters who are ready to break free from the cycle of burnout, bitterness, frustration, anger and disappointment…so you can finally feel more empowered, aligned and nourished as you create a life that supports YOU.
So you’ve downloaded your Human Design chart, now what?
So you’ve downloaded your
Human Design chart, now what?
until you hit information overLOAD & it all starts to feel...
Things are clicking, it's shown you a glimpse of your inner world. You see why certain aspects of your life might've been challenging, it brings you a step closer to your inner truth. Finally, you feel seen, validated & understood!
Welcome to the human design rabbit hole! buckle up because you're in for a ride...
Deconditioning is Human Design’s language of essentially shadow work, inner healing. It’s recognizing the conditioning that does not serve us and are limiting our natural expression.
it's a tool to decondition
Well, the way I see it, it’s about breaking down your energetics and what makes you, YOU
But what the heck does that mean?
Human Design is often described as the Science of differentiation
It views the question of “how can I be more me?” through the lens of our mechanics. Understanding how we best operate, so we can work with ourselves as opposed to against ourselves.
A tool to build self trust & authenticity. When we take care of our energetic needs and are grounded within, we're able to show up, build resilience to face challenges and do hard things.
Build better relationships. It helps us understand ourselves and each other better. How do we relate with the people we come into relationship with? What are our boundaries? What are our needs?
Awareness of our process and needs. It gives us insights into how we are and what we need to tend to ourselves. What is our capacity? What are our cycles? What drains vs. nourished us?
It shows us the baseline of our energetics. What are we amplifying? What are we projecting? How do these energies impact us? So we can take care of ourselves better and honour our energetic flow
Feeling disconnected from your body’s cues, numb to your inner guidance…to having tools to recognize conditioning, move through your blocks and have practices to self-regulate.
Constantly second guessing yourself, feeling inadequate, boxed in by other’s expectations and pressure…to sensitizing to your definition, your authority’s voice and building trust in your decision making process.
Exhausted, trying to do everything and overwhelming yourself…to finally understanding and working within your energetic capacity while feeling energized and nurturing your gifts with ease.
K, 1/3 generator
"The most recent job I have (which is so aligned with me), I got by following my strategy and authority.
The whole process, even the tough interview, was oddly very easy. My manager also admitted to me part of why I was hired was my energy! [...]
I was very close to leaving the field because I felt the existing/traditional career coaching methods were ableist, judgmental and perpetuated systemic inequities. I had no idea that my work in this (on the right platform) will actually get me a speaking gig!"
Maddy, 4/1 Manifestor
"All the cells in my body were resonating with what was being said!
I felt so understood!!! It was as though Jes was literally reading the map of my soul and all my experiences started to make sense. There was a deep sense of ‘knowing’ and Jes has this gentle, warm way about her that makes it very easy to be in her presence."
emily, 1/3 Manifesting generator
"I had no idea that you could go sooooo deep with Human Design.
I came away with a much better understanding of how the intricacies of Human Design works.
Listening to Jes explain my HD chart to me felt so liberating! I had so many "aha" moments and things that just clicked for me."
Look if you’ve found me after reading countless HD blogs and books, you might find my approach a tad different than others.
This is probably not your first rodeo with Human Design...
Here's what I deeply believe in:
Look, if you’ve found me after reading countless HD blogs and books, you might find my approach a tad different than others.
This is where awareness meets embodiment
For the past 8 years I've gone through plenty of trial and error as I recovered from burnout, transitioned careers and started a business. I've since guided and coached over hundreds of overwhelmed go getters helping them recalibrate, align and come home to themselves so they can create a life that is purposeful, nourishing and one where they're excited to wake up everyday.
I've seen first hand how this system can change lives for the better and I want this for you too, because the world desperately needs your gifts.
A self-paced course to create your personal deconditioning blueprint with 13 weeks of live coaching support on this first round! A space to support your learning and deconditioning journey, with ease, community and connection.
which is why I created...
design fundamentals
the 9 centers
mindset tuning
Mindset Tuning library will be updated periodically based on questions.
Call times will be finalized soon. Between 60-75 min. They will likely rotate each week and between these timeframes: 10am-12pm EST / 2pm-4pm EST / 6pm-8pm EST.
Call times will be finalized soon. Between 60-75 min. They will likely rotate each week and between these timeframes: 10am-12pm EST / 2pm-4pm EST / 6pm-8pm EST.
For a limited time only, pricing goes up to $297 after march 12th
I know this price is such a steal; I really believe in this work and intend to make it accessible. However, I can't guarantee there will be another round of live sessions so if you're feeling the nudge, this is the chance to snag this awesome limited time offer!
Get direct support and participate in live community discussions this round.
Launch special, a value of $2475 for the early bird price of $249!
bonus 1
$100 off!
limited offers
Sign up before March 12th 2025, 11:59pm EST to lock in early bird pricing of $247 and get these offers:
"I'm learning so much about myself and capable of shifting"
You've helped me so much in understanding the importance of slowing down enough to feel my energies. Human Design has really brought home the fact that the things we think we're feeling? Those energies are real, and our emotions are also just another form of energy in motion.
Thank you so much for helping me put words to the energies I feel. Have I mentioned how glad I am to have you as an expander in my life?
"The most significant change I've noticed is that I trust myself more."
Jes is supportive, intuitive, gentle, enthusiastic, generous and loving. There were many sessions that began with me being high anxious, stressed out and upset. By the end of every session I felt lighter. Jes has the ability to help me focus on the important things and find clarity in the chaos.
Jes helped me worked towards my goals by helping me get to the root of the problem. Identifying what was the triggering problems and becoming more aware of my behavior. The most significant change I've noticed is that I trust myself more. I've learned to take time to be with my own thoughts, to meditate and shed guilt from my decisions.
Jes is supportive, intuitive, gentle, enthusiastic, generous and loving. There were many sessions that began with me being high anxious, stressed out and upset. By the end of every session I felt lighter. Jes has the ability to help me focus on the important things and find clarity in the chaos.
I would recommend Jes to anyone who is naturally anxious and overwhelmed. I have family and friends who would definitely benefit from her gentle guidance and support. I have grown so much over such a short time.
"Thanks for being part of my growth, for being in the right place at the right time."
Thank you for introducing me to human design.
The last two years have been an emotional rollercoaster. Don't worry, its a good thing! Human Design was one of the tools I leaned into. The most recent job I have (which is so aligned with me), I got by following my strategy and authority. The whole process, even the tough interview, was oddly very easy. My manager also admitted to me part of why I was hired was my energy!
"I'm learning so much about myself and capable of shifting"
You've helped me so much in understanding the importance of slowing down enough to feel my energies. Human Design has really brought home the fact that the things we think we're feeling? Those energies are real, and our emotions are also just another form of energy in motion.
Thank you so much for helping me put words to the energies I feel. Have I mentioned how glad I am to have you as an expander in my life?
Jes is supportive, intuitive, gentle, enthusiastic, generous and loving. There were many sessions that began with me being high anxious, stressed out and upset. By the end of every session I felt lighter. Jes has the ability to help me focus on the important things and find clarity in the chaos.
"The most significant change I've noticed is that I trust myself more."
Thank you for introducing me to human design.
The last two years have been an emotional rollercoaster. Don't worry, its a good thing! Human Design was one of the tools I leaned into. The most recent job I have (which is so aligned with me), I got by following my strategy and authority. The whole process, even the tough interview, was oddly very easy. My manager also admitted to me part of why I was hired was my energy!
"Thanks for being part of my growth, for being in the right place at the right time."
You're also probably wondering, what qualifications does Jes have to support me? Here's a quick recap of my certifications:
• Institute of Integrative Nutrition Holistic Coaching, 2014
• Strala Yoga Training 600+ hrs, 2017/2018/2019
• 9 Centers Foundations with Jes Fields & Téo Montoya 2021
• Advanced Reader Training with Jes Fields & Téo Montoya 2021
now, it's my mission to guide you back to your truth. because the world needs your magic & differentiation ;)
That my openness and sensitivity, weren't all in my head. I see deeply because I was designed to but also my energy is sacred (like yours is) and it's not to be used for everyone, everywhere. I'm here to share my depth (Personality Sun in Gate 48), to guide you back to your desires and inner knowing...
I'm Jessica Lock
Your guide
By embracing my truth, I walked away and release all that was no longer me. From the expectations others had of me, to the dreams I once had and the beliefs that were keeping me boxed. Finally, I was able to walk towards myself. And for the first time I felt whole, at ease. Oddly enough, I started to feel more energized + alive.
Learning about my Human design validated what I always knew to be true from a very young age...
I'm a 4/6 Splenic Projector with the 44-26 Channel of Surrender and RAX of Tension. It was such a relief to find out I was a Projector! Finally, there was nothing to "fix". There was nothing wrong with me, I simply wasn't meant to operate the way I had been conditioned to.
Because the truth is, no amount of TCM, acupuncture, meditation, green juice, yoga was helping me recover from misalignment.
let go of the idea of who you should be,
to fully embody who you're meant to be?
When I stopped following someone else's version of success, I was able to find mine
Through Human Design, Mindset Work and Grounding Practices I'm able to come home to myself. Align to my life purpose and show up in a way that's authentic to my energetic blueprint.
I've been able to understand and honour myself better. From my unique expression to surrendering to my ebbs and flows. And I wholeheartedly believe it can do this for you too.
Let's uncover how success, satisfaction, surprise, peace and an aligned life looks for you.
- J
"Jes, l'm sooooooo grateful for your uniquely BAAAARILLLLLLIANT synthesis of Human Design concepts. Plus, I find you're visual presentation so easily digestable."
- D
"You have an amazing voice and transmission frequency"
"The energy and depth of your insights and responses was so beautiful to hear, and the engagement of the participants gave off such a great energy!"
"You have a really calming voice and what you said about listening to our energy levels and create when we are feel called to, really resonated with me."
- A
"It's not just mind blowing, it's body blowing...cellular body healing, it's really going to take my new nervous system into a new cycle of vibration"
- M
"Jes made me feel good about myself, guiding me towards self-recognition and self-acceptance."
- J
- D
"The energy and depth of your insights and responses was so beautiful to hear, and the engagement of the participants gave off such a great energy!"
- M
"It's not just mind blowing, it's body blowing...cellular body healing, it's really going to take my new nervous system into a new cycle of vibration"
- D
"You have a really calming voice and what you said about listening to our energy levels and create when we are feel called to, really resonated with me."
- N
"Jes, l'm sooooooo grateful for your uniquely BAAAARILLLLLLIANT synthesis of Human Design concepts. Plus, I find you're visual presentation so easily digestable."
"Human design has been such a gift to understand my relationship with myself and others, and I thank you for sharing the information in a way that is easy to follow and digest. I truly appreciate it!"
- N
No! Rather you're brand new or have been in the experiment for a few years this course will strengthen your very foundations; from understanding your chart mechanics to reading others as well.
do i need to know human design?
Video lessons with closed caption, slides, downloadable workbooks, community space and live discussions. For more information regarding topics, take a peak at course curriculum above. This round (March 2025) includes live group coaching support!
What does this course include?
You will have lifetime access to this course. Should this platform close down, all content will be downloadable for you to keep.
How long will i have access to this course?
All calls and sessions will be recorded. You can catch up, rewatch as many times you want! You can also submit a question ahead of time of our check-in sessions if you're unable to make it.
You will have immediate access to over 5 hours of learning material to get started. Hop onto the community section to introduce yourself if you like and keep an eye for lives schedule.
What happens after I enroll?
Will I get 1:1 coaching with Jes?
got more q's?
Will we be looking at charts during live sessions?
Due to the digital nature of this product. There are no refunds at the moment. However if you're unhappy or encountering issues please send us an email hi@wholeandunleashed.com
return policy
Will the 64 gates & channels be included?