Expansion Session on bitterness, feeling and fearful at 54 as 1/3 Ego Projector

Expansion Session on bitterness, feeling and fearful at 54 as 1/3 Ego Projector

May 16, 2024

Today’s expansion session is with a 1/3 Ego Projector, we recorded this session around the summer of 2023.

This is one of those episodes where listening back, I cringe at myself. I was overly excited. There were things I should’ve said or other areas to focus on instead.

But at the same time, knowing that that’s a part of growth. I’m sure if I listened to every episode, re-read every post I’ve written that there would be things I would change simply because of where I’m at currently.


Stacy wrote in:

“I seriously feel like I got the short end of the stick in this lifetime. I am a 1/3 projector, ego authority single definition.  I know the basics of human design and a bit more. I love running peoples charts and seeing their expression when I mail it with just that little bit. Everybody seems to have those aha moments and more positive things to discover.   I don’t.  My chart kind of sucks.  Which I am tired of being a stepping stone for people to step on my head and move onward and upward and I get to stay here and wait to be invited to the next step on my head and on wars and upward party.   Pretty sure my answer was way more witty the first time but once you see my chart you’ll get the joke.

I want to find clarity in why I signed up for this lifetime if all I was promised is the short end of the stick.  I know me that would even have appealed to my higher selfless self.   There has to be more to it because I am tired.  If I choose this path then I certainly didn’t think much of myself so why would I think anyone else does.  I’m tired of being an empath , projector and all the other things that feel everybody else’s stuff and can help them be better.   Yet I struggle to relate to  anything other than their struggles.

There is a lot to unpack, a lot to move through specially when we’re in this space. Bitterness, for projectors, is our out of alignment theme after all. Perhaps that’s part of our journey back to ourselves, seeing what’s beneath the bitterness specially for this vessel of love.

In this session I wanted to simply create a safe space for Stacy to process, there was a lot of mental energy taking over and running the scripts;  dimming her inner guidance, her ego, her own self trust and intuition.


Stacy’s chart

Here’s what we explore in this session:

  • Fear of being competitive, feeling the need to shrink herself

  • Feeling lost at 54, lost of self trust. No longer trusting her gut and feeling disconnected from herself

  • Her capable of lifting others but having difficulty lifting herself

  • Not knowing how to feel good when used to the comforts/tension of being misaligned and on edge

  • Fear of mistakes, of getting things wrong

  • Pressures of the completely open throat

  • Vessel of love, what is love, how does loving ourselves look like?

  • Healer needs healing, Vessel of love needs love



Listen here


Or watch with chart here




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