Geri Coria on how candle making helped her find her way back to herself

Geri Coria on how candle making helped her find her way back to herself

May 12, 2021

Sometimes, sharing what you love can be so healing, for yourself and the person on the receiving end. Today’s episode is about reconnecting to ourselves, tuning out the noise to focus on what matters and reclaiming your power back.


A journey of reclaiming her power back

My guest Geri Coria shares how candle making helped her find her way back to herself and shares what lead her to launch her passion business full-time.

Geri s the owner of Apothegeri. She started as a project manager for most of her career until 2020 when she decided to pursue Apothegeri full time. Also known as APG, it started as a side hustle in 2018 which sprang from a place of depression. She was searching for a medium she could create within, but also an alternative to explore self-care. She had been working so much and was feeling disheartened by how her days looked like.

2020 was a year that truly taught her to pause, to appreciate what she has and it gave her the time and space to grow Apothegeri. Each product is made with gratitude, and good intentions. And making candles was ultimately her healing process in reconnecting to herself and recovering from burnt out.



In today’s episode Geri shares:

  • How she felt disconnected in her corporate job and didn’t have time for self-care
  • How the name Apothegeri came to be
  • Her appreciation for candles and how her father inspired her to create them
  • The beauty of community and how her candles started to spread some light in dark times
  • Her process in creating different fragrances and the memories behind them
  • On letting go, trusting the process and timing


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  • Vintage Botanical Illustration: Copyright-Free Images for Artists, Designers and Plant Lovers by Kale James





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