

Jun 10, 2015

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou

These past two weeks have been quite eventful. I’m finally back after 30+ hrs of travelling last night. There are still so many raw emotions to process and fully digest. Some might say I went to HK and China at the worst timing ever or that I got there exactly when I’m meant to. I would chose the lather. Even when things don’t pan out the way you anticipated. Even when it seems like one tragedy strikes after another, there is always something you can hold on to. Something precious that reminds you that we are all loved, that life is a journey to be walked, an experience to be lived. Sometimes we forget how fragile life is in this chaotic lifestyle. We’re the only beings who are aware that our journey eventually meets an end. All I can say is that I am grateful. I am blessed with so many things. Filled with immense gratitude for all the people in my life, for the opportunities I have to travel and see the world, for being able to connect with my loved ones overseas, for slowly finding my voice and purpose, for being able to follow and live my passions…i am humbled, I am grateful, I am alive.

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