Positivity’s got a bad rap

Positivity’s got a bad rap

Jul 7, 2015

I’ve been struggling lately to understand the idea around “being positive” and why it is often misunderstood in many scenarios. Being positive is not about neglecting your thoughts and feelings to create a reality that seems better. It’s not about being happy all the time, or being immune to feeling any anger or pain nor is it about being fake.

It’s about feeling and honouring all your emotions no matter the situation. If you’re disappointed, mad, scared, defeated…you feel all of that. You look inwards and find the root of it and try to understand where/how/why. It’s to look inwards, to see the light in yourself, to find a way to adapt and see the bright side of things no matter the situation. It’s being able to be vulnerable, to feel down, to feel helpless at times and still be able to get yourself back up. To recognize the changes and growth in you. We all have our ups and downs. It’s not shown through social media because no one wants to show their struggles, but we all go through them.

“Be yourself, everyone else is already taken” – Oscar Wilde

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