Human Design Definition

Human Design Definition

Nov 10, 2021

Definition in Human Design is how your defined centers “talk” to each other, essentially how your energies connect. The majority of the population are Split definition (45%); while the rarest are Quadruple split (0.57%) and No Definition (1.45%).

The combination of your defined centers and channels also make up your type (Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, Reflector)

Your definition is also known as how you process and take in information.

Remember, your defined centers are where you have consistent energy, this is what you “bring to the table” and influence others with. It’s kind of like a software for where you process and filter everything you take in. (A couple of posts back I shared the themes for each center, this could give you an idea of your defined centers. And the consistent energies you experience. I’ll also be sharing more about each center in the next couple of weeks)

If you don’t have any definition you’re meant to be fluid and highly adaptable. You’re here to reflect and gain insights from the energies you sample.


No Definition

If you don’t have any area defined that means you’re a Reflector. You are designed to be sampling and moving through different energies, reflecting them back as you go. Your aura is often described as having a Teflon quality, you amplify and release energy easier than other types.

Not Self

Trying to rush through decisions. Trying to be fixed in your energies, holding on to certain roles, expectations. Not wanting to connect with others


With that many centers open you need time to assimilate and process as well. You are designed to be fluid and adaptable. Being in places where you feel good will support that. Public spaces can help you bridge your gates with neutral aura. You’re here to gain wisdom as you move through different energies and connect to others. What places do you find yourself gravitating? What relationships makes you feel supported and at ease?

Single Definition

As a single definition your energy centers are all connected and flow consistently between each other. Which means you assimilate information quickly. Giving you a reliable sense of wholeness without the need for someone to help you connect the dots. You teach us the importance of being in our own space and honouring our own process

Not Self

The areas where you might be most susceptible to conditioning are your undefined, open centers.


Giving yourself time to be in your own space, away from other people’s energies can help you process better since you won’t be amplifying energies that are not yours. That doesn’t mean you don’t need others though, if there’s anything to takeaway from Human Design is that it’s important to carve out time for both and being able to discern what you need, when.

Split Definition

As a split definition your defined centers have a split between them. Your energies don’t connect to each other directly, that simply means you process information best when you’re with someone. Either through conversation or an energetic exchange of any kind. You’re here to teach us the beauty of partnerships and how to work with the other.
No matter what your definition is we’re all naturally pulling in people who bridge our gates; people we vibe and connect with. It’s not something you have to go above and beyond to do it just happens.


Relying on others to feel connected, attaching to certain people that give you a sense of “wholeness”, a pressure to find someone that “completes you”


You naturally draw in people that can bridge your split and spark collaborations. That being said knowing when to be alone and when to connect with others is important too. It’s about quality of your relationships. Who helps you feel more connected? Who makes you feel at ease? While being with others can help your energies flow better, remember you are whole just as you are!

Triple Split Definition

As a triple split definition you have 3 areas defined that are not connected directly to each other. You process information best when you allow yourself to move through different energies. That includes people and places that might help different parts of you flow.


The areas where you might be most susceptible to conditioning are your undefined, open centers.


The variety in people and experiences help you connect to the energies within yourself. How can you honour your need to connect with others and time to be in your own energy? Since the areas you’re more susceptible to conditioning are your open centers be mindful of the energies you’ve amplified and make space to release them everyday.

Quadruple Split Definition

As a quadruple split definition you have a lot of consistent energy since you have 8 to 9 centers defined. Because they’re not directly connected to each other, it’s almost like a having 4 voices within. Think group project where it takes some time to get everybody in alignment.


Succumbing to the pressure from others to make a decision, trying to rush through things and people pleasing


With that many centers defined and not being connected to each other you need time to assimilate and process. You are designed to be fixed, to do things your way. How can you make space for yourself? How can you honour your own process and needs?


Having the details of your definition could help you understand the mechanics of your process better. Yet so much about living and experimenting with our designs is simply about sensitizing to what feels right for us, connecting to our inner voice.

Looking for some extra support in learning about your human design? Get a foundational guide or book a session with me. More info on current offerings here

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