The Throat Center

The Throat Center

Feb 21, 2022

The Throat center is the hub for voice, expression, communication & action.

It is where all the energy in our bodygraph is trying to make its way in order to be expressed.


It is through this center that manifestation, metamorphosis and transformation take place.

Each gate in the Throat has a theme and a “voice”. It is the center with the most gates.


Approximately 72% of the population have a defined Throat, a consistent way of speaking. And defining others with the expression of the Ajna, Solar plexus, Spleen, Ego and Identity G centers.

While an estimate of 28% of the population are undefined or completely open. Amplifying, taking in the expression themes of those with defined throat; feeling the pressure to express, to speak, to do, to share and create.

Defined Throat Center

With a defined Throat you speak in a fixed way with the energies flowing from the centers the throat is connected to.

  • Mind: Energy to bring forth your unique ideas and interpretation of the world
  • G Center: Energy to express yourself and provide your direction
  • Solar Plexus: Energy to share your emotional process and wisdom
  • Spleen: Energy to share your intuition and instincts
  • Heart: Energy to share your desires and will
  • Sacral: Energy to share your life force, what you’re excited and passionate about


The Undefined Throat Center

With an undefined Throat you amplify the voices around you and could feel a constant pressure to speak.

You’re not designed to plan what to say rather to tune into your wisdom at the moment.

Leaning into your strategy and authority to know when the time feels right. When you follow that your words are impactful and well received.


Gates in the Throat Center

Whether you’re defined or undefined notice what gates you have activated in the Throat.

That’s the area where energy will be flowing and processing most often. What’s the theme and the “voice” of that energy? What center is it connected or pointed towards? How can you cultivate the wisdom of your throat center? How does your strategy and authority support you in the expression of this center?

One more thing

Remember, the centers are a fraction of your design. You are a unique combination of so many other moving parts. Your type, definition, profile, channels, gate, conditioning etc. All this information is pretty high level but a good starting point to get you familiarize with the HD system.

Knowing what energies we broadcast and amplify gives us a better sense of awareness. It helps us build a better understanding of ourselves and others.

You can be whoever you want to be. Human Design simply gives you a little insight on how your energies can support you and provide direction for what tools can help you get there.


Looking to dive deeper?

If you want to find out more about your design, book a session with me to explore your energetics or order a personalized guide


💡Do you have a defined, undefined or open Throat center?

Undefined throat here 🙋🏻‍♀️ The gates I have activated are Gate 12, “I try” pointing towards my undefined Solar Plexus and Gate 33, the voice of “I remember” pointing towards my undefined Identity centre. Which are gates that require alone time to process before sharing.

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  1. Kelly says:

    Completely open throat here. As a kid I was extremely quiet. Just didn’t feel the need to say much unless it was important. Im also a generator so grunts and low mumbles felt aligned. As I grew up I started to feel the pressure to “have something to say” and it just always felt like someone else was coming out of my mouth. I’m leaning back into to silence until it feels right and not worrying if people think I’m stand offish or rude or any of those things just because I’m not speaking.

    • Jessica Lock says:

      Hi Kelly, wow thank you for sharing your reflection. My husband has a completely open throat and a generator as well. I definitely see the grunts and low mumbles a lot! But I also see so much wisdom when he does speak and it feels right for him. It really comes down to that doesn’t it? Trusting when it’s our time to speak and learning to be ok with that, regardless of what others may think. Learning to hold acknowledge that pressure without succumbing to it <3

  2. Chanel says:

    Undefined throat with the same gates activated as yours 12 and 33. I have defined solar plexus and undefined G. My alone time is absolutely crucial to my sanity and healthy interaction with the world.

    • Jessica Lock says:

      Uuf yes!! The alone time is where everything clicks and clears out for me <3

  3. ChrisLIVE says:

    Great Content!!!

  4. Jen says:

    Undefined throat with gate 62 activated here, I mess up my words a lot and I NEED alone time to stay sane and make sense of my thoughts.

    • Jessica Lock says:

      Hi Jen, with an undefined throat + gate 62 hanging this makes sense! The 62 without the 17, doesn’t always have the energy to organize, structure their thoughts/details before expressing and sharing with others. Taking the time and trusting that when the time is right, the words will flow!

  5. Julie says:

    My throat center is undefined and with no gates activated. What does that mean ?

    • Jessica Lock says:

      Hi Julie,

      It means you have a completely open throat, so you are able to tap into the full expression of this center (total 11 gates!) You amplify those with a defined throat and you’re meant to speak from the heart, when you tap into the words at the moment (guided by your strategy and authority) your words have impact, cadence and authority.

      You might not know what you’re going to say or how but trust that in the moment, the right words will come!

  6. Julie says:

    What does it mean when I have an undefined throat chakra with no gates activated at all? What’s the benefit/learning in that?

    • Julie says:

      Apologies. I already got that question answered. Just delete this question if possible.

  7. Nan says:

    Hi, why is the sacral (and root) not described as connected to the throat? I’m a 6/2 emo Mani, but I’m studying this for my family. And my husband (3/6 emo MG) has his sacral connected to his throat. Thanks.
    Ps. Love the info on your website

    • Jessica Lock says:

      Hi Nan!

      Oh you’re right! I totally missed the Sacral. It connects directly to it through Gate 20.

      As for the Root, it is indirectly connected. It needs to filter through other centers before making it’s way to the throat.

      Hope this clarifies things a bit!

  8. Maurizio says:

    Hi! nice to read your informations! I find it so helpfull! thank you! When i was child, i spoke so few. The people call me: few words person. I was so embarassed! later i feel so embbarassed every time i spent some time with someone…. and staying silent! i started to feel te pressure to: say something.. please!!! it was a problem! Actually the conditioning is radicated! i speak a lot.. and i have to learn, get out of this condicioning! My question is about: to sing! or to use the voice as professional! I used to be a musician and a professional opera singer! may be during 15 years! But.. in 2002, i HAD to stop! some very strange psicosomatic problem,, start to happen! I changed work.. i ve TOTALLY stopped with singing! Actually, sometime, i ve the impulse to come back to sing…but i am afraid! the question is: IT S OK for an open troath, to use voice professionally? I am conciuss the is an ENERGETIC PROBLEM! Just something has to do with energy! Thank you in andvance for your answer! Best regards, and sorry for my bad english 🙂 ! Maurizio.

    • Jessica Lock says:

      Hi Maurizio, thank you so much for sharing about your throat center!

      Of course you can sing professionally if you feel the pull! My approach with Human Design is more about how it can support you in living an aligned life. If you want to sing, go ahead. But the approach might be different compared to someone with a defined throat.

      In fact, with an open throat you’re able to amplify and tap into the energy in a room. You can sing from the hearts of those you’re surrounded by.

      Have you had a chance to explore why you stopped around 2002? There could also be some energetic blockage, trauma related to using your voice, being seen etc. Of course all this without knowing the rest of your chart and the energetics you’re working with.

      Maybe some things to contemplate, what drew you to singing in the first place? How do you feel when you sing?

      Sometimes when we add too much pressure to our gifts, to ourselves we can end up also closing ourselves off!

      If you’re open to sharing more, would love to hear from you here.

      Or feel free to apply for a free expansion session or dive deeper into your energetics here

  9. Carliefje says:

    What if you do not have any gates defined. My throat is completely open. No gates defined. What does that mean? And how do I speak my truth?

    • Jessica Lock says:

      Hi! With a completely open throat, you are able to tap into the full expression of this center (total 11 gates!) You can tap into many “voices” ways of expression.

      You amplify those with a defined throat and you’re meant to speak from the heart, when you tap into the words at the moment (guided by your strategy and authority) your words have impact, cadence and authority.

      You might not know what you’re going to say or how but trust that in the moment, the right words will come!