Make Space for Joy

Make Space for Joy

Jul 22, 2021

How do you make space for joy?

Sometimes we get so caught up in all the things we want to and have to do that we forget to make space for joy.

Those goals, projects and knowledge that are suppose to help us grow instead chip away who we are.

We start contracting, clouded by the desperation, the need to *make* something happen that we lose ourselves in the process.

There are times where all we can do is survive. To do the best we can.

And there are other times where we can slow down a little bit, quiet the noise around us so we can hear ourselves, our inner guidance.

I’ve found that for me, one of the quickest and simplest way to do so is through joy. Everything from the mundane pleasures to accomplishing big things. Those in-between moments are precious to me. And I used to overlook them. But when I make space to really relish in each moment. To appreciate, to love, to laugh and even cry…I feel more connected and more like myself.

The more space I make for joy, the more joy finds its way to me.

What about you? What brings you joy? 🐣

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