Expansion Session on searching for purpose and finding clarity in transitions

Expansion Session on searching for purpose and finding clarity in transitions

Feb 23, 2024


In today’s expansion session, we hear from a 4/6 Sacral Manifesting Generator. She’s going through a period of transition and looking to start a business of their own as they take care of their bodies and energetic needs. 


Here’s what this guest wrote in for the session:

“To have more Clarity, I’ve recently left a job and am looking at next steps, I’m feeling nervous about the future and it’s been challenging to integrate my information”

What they are opening up towards:

“To have clear direction to explore and to show up as my authentic self. To have opened up to a more aligned career/biz. To allow love and friendship to lift me, to be bold as love, to have great relationships.”


Their chart:


We talked about:

  • Their gate of depth along with their 48-16 Channel of the Wavelength
  • Splenic fears and the fear of being seen as a MG
  • The limitations of the mind
  • Her Defined Crown and Ajna, the pressure to always move through confusion 64-47 Channel of Abstraction
  • What happens when we turn Collective energy inwards and how to process this energy in a supportive, healthy way
  • Their 4/6 profile and about to come off the roof
  • Their large split definition
  • Their 45-21 Channel of Money, how her desires show her what her community needs as well




Listen to our chat






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