62 Gate of Details

62 Gate of Details

Jul 17, 2023

The 62 Gate of Details is the energy to translate complex, esoteric concepts into logical containers for the collective by focusing on details, sorting through facts. It carries the voice of “I think”.


From Ajna to Throat

Starting with the Ajna—the cognitive awareness center for processing; from ideas to concepts, details and answers. The 17 Gate of Opinions organizes their insights and formulizations into possible concepts.

Which then reaches towards the Throat—hub for communication, expression & action. Where 62 Gate of Details, provides the “legs” to the opinions, concepts formulated by Gate 17.

Together they form the 17-62 Channel of Acceptance.

While Gate 17 has the potential to easily sort through + understand patterns, it needs the 62’s ability to organize their logical understanding in a way that can be communicated to the collective. It is also knowns as an inter-species gate, it has the ability to communicate and train animals.

“Understanding is logic’s gift – and yours. When you address complicated situations with clear, appropriate and well-organized details, your opinions increase our understanding of the world.” —Ra Uru Hu & Lynda Bunnell

Yet the 62 without the 17, doesn’t always have the energy to organize, structure their details before expressing and sharing with others.


Shadow Expressions

The 62 might feel a constant pressure to express themselves but this is a projected gate, so it’s important that you’re recognized + invited before sharing with others. Otherwise, no matter how brilliant your share is, it might not land if the timing + audience is not right.

In the Shadow Expressions, it can get caught up with the need to fact check everything, spiralling obsessively, over-identifying with their thoughts + concepts. Letting their minds take over and feeling superior than others through intellect.


Collective Understanding Circuit

The Gate of Details is the energy behind language and communication. It’s here to name, label + verbally express the details of our human experience. From day to day physical objects to complex concepts.

As part as the Collective Understanding Circuit, Gate 62 is all about sharing facts and opinions to course correct a pattern for the collective.

Think frameworks, systems, structures, models. Spanning into everything we touch, how society is set up, how we interact with each other. Like attachment styles, the enneagram system, the love languages, core values etc.

Ra, for instance had Gate 62, which is beautifully reflected in the way he transmitted + organized Human Design. Of course, without the 17, he didn’t do it alone and his work spanned decades!


Lessons of the Gate of Details

One of the Lessons of Gate 62 can be seen through the power of written expression. Words have power; they carry an energetic frequency and have the ability to transform others, to move the collective. So many movements have been started by the written word. Carefully curated texts and systems can unite or separate. They can heal, enrage, lead it’s recipient. They can also be dangerous and corruptive at times.

Think of the burning of libraries as a form of exerting control. Even now in many parts of the world, we’re witnessing books being banned, voices being silenced, religious texts censored. Notice what you’re consuming and it’s effects on you. What nourishes you? What challenges your belief? What feeds on your shadow expressions?

“In essence, light is breaking through you, through your words. As your language becomes purer, you expose your heart to others and to the world. You are taking the greatest step — the leap from worship to embodiment. It is here that you will have to face the fear of humiliation as you give your voice up to your heart. Words spoken from love are deeply healing. At the same time they can stir up all manner of projections from the Shadow frequency. This is why there is no return once you begin to speak your truth — you have broken away from the lower realms forevermore.”— Richard Rudd


Wisdom of the Gate 62

The Wisdom from the Gate of Details is to see beyond facts; to be open to your logical, intuitive + emotional side. To tap into curiosity instead of tuning this energy inwards to micromanage and control your life (it’s not meant for that)

You’re able to tap into the energy of the collective and translate your understanding of esoteric knowledge. How are you leaning into the wisdom of this gate? How does it feel to share when you’re recognized and received?

In the Gene keys, the gift of the 62 is Precision. Knowing exactly what to say at the right moment, with the right people when speaking from the heart. You can see this energy expressed through so many gifted speakers, orators, debaters, scientists, writers, poets etc.


Gate 62 Keynotes

Share your reflections:

Do you have Gate 62 active? Or know someone who does? Would love to hear your reflections, simply hit reply to share.

PS. If you’re looking for some additional support in synthesizing the elements of your Human Design chart, book a 1:1 session or package here. Or want to learn more about the gates and centers in a community portal, check out Coming Home.


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  1. Ami says:

    This is wonderful knowledge and I love the detail you go into whilst making it understandable.
    I recently discovered 62 is my Lilith. From what I understand this doesn’t activate the chart but is a part of ourselves that we may repress but is also our potential greatest strength. Do you have any suggestions to work through hanging gates? Do we always need to other side? My brother has 17 unconsciously activated and channel 63-4, does it help to be around his energy and vice versa?
    Thank you

    • Jessica Lock says:

      Hi Ami, I love that there are sooooo many layers to our charts!

      I’ve heard of Lilith but have not personally worked with it yet. I believe every chart is equipped with what it needs to move it’s energy and fulfill whatever it’s here to do.

      While some might be more direct, like two gates connecting to a channel there’s also the beauty of hanging gates! I like to believe this is where we often develop our wisdom as we move through many lessons.

      While hanging gates can pull people from the other side, it doesn’t always need the other per say. Sometimes the bridge gate can give us some clarity in our process but that’s about it. We’re not “incomplete” as a hanging gate.

      For example, my personality sun is Gate 48 and I don’t have gate 16. One of my biggest insecurities growing up was feeling inadequate, I feel there’s so much depth in me but I don’t always have the ability to express that or know how to channel that depth.

      BUT that simply means I’m not here to work with the 48-16 energy all the time, I’m here to express my depth (48) when the time is right with the right people who can receive it. Sometimes that’s reflected through my 44-26 channel of surrender, other times through my gate 33 as I reflect on my past experiences. So even though it doesn’t connect to the 16, it still comes out in other ways! I don’t need to “get out of my way” to express it and I think that’s the beauty of our charts.

      We are holistic and energy will move one way or another. Sometimes the pathways are more obvious and other times it’s sprinkled all over 😉

      Also, on paper it might seem that based on mechanics you brother’s 63-4 + 17 can help your 62 express itself, do you feel that’s the case currently? If so play, experiment with your conversations and see what naturally flows (because even though we are aware of these energies we don’t always get to control how they move or play out) Is this a safe space and you feel comforting expressing the 62?

      I’ve met people who have the 16, bridging my 48, but it hasn’t necessarily equated to instant connection + flow, cause there are so many other factors to consider too! Not every gate 16 carries the same frequency and viceversa. Sometimes we simply click with people and other times we don’t. Nothing wrong with that!

      Now, the themes of the 62 is around tapping into the energy of the collective and translating your understanding of esoteric knowledge. Have you been repressing your voice around “I think”? Has there been a fear around your shares being challenged? Of not having enough facts to back up your knowing?

      What if it’s less about proving your “facts” but instead trusting that with the right people, at the right time, the strengths of the 62 shines through you when you speak from the heart?

      Do you have safe spaces where you can share your voice without judgment? Are there people in your life who sees and recognizes you?

      Excited to hear back! Let me know if this resonated, or not!

  2. Morgan says:

    Any suggestions on how to work with gate 62 as a singer? I’m a generator so an undefined throat that’s my only gate there and I find it really hard to sing even tho I’m really good it’s taken years of working through stage fright but I’m learning my voice is really powerful and beautiful I’d like this to be what I do in the world but I’m having trouble putting myself out there it’s a lot of pressure to be seen heard on the internet and I don’t always do that and I struggle with song writing not always feeling inspired or not knowing what to sing about

    • Jessica Lock says:

      Hi Morgan,

      Ohhhh such a great question, so many people have asked/wondered about singing with an undefined throat!

      My one suggestion, based on just knowing these parts of your design right now, is to cultivate trust in your voice (I know, easier said than done!)
      You don’t know necessarily know what you’re going to say or how it’ll be express.

      But with practices to ground into your body, yourself, you’ll be able to tap into that inner voice, that capacity to share your POV when called upon on.

      Now, as a singer I’m sure there are other parts of your design that you tap into when you’re singing. What do you enjoy singing about? What’s the genre? How do you feel about that type of music? This is such creative energy that can come from many areas in your chart (not just the throat center)

      The blocks might come from other places as well!

      But I’ll start with naming the shadow of the undefined throat which is trying to attract attention. Your voice is powerful yet it’s not something you have consistent access to (specially when trying to force, that applies for every center, defined or undefined!) Whenever we’re trying to force that’s when we overextend ourselves.

      Again, without knowing other areas in your chart and just based on your reflections, where is the pressure to attract attention coming from? Is it a conditioning? Is it the shadows of an undefined heart, trying to prove? Is it coming from the mind, because “everyone else is doing it”? etc

      What are the other parts of your design that are defined? You mentioned being a generator, what gives you satisfaction and pleasure? What if you focus on what gives you joy? What feels good to sing about? How would you show up?

      There’s so many places to dive in and these are generalized suggestions without knowing the nuance of your chart. Hope this helps as starting points!